EODEV (0.6) + Source code release
Hey all :) Here's a quick update for you all.
First and most importantly I have created a github repository of the project and can be found here : https://github.com/GanticsAntics/Endless-Online-Development
Progress update : 10/6/2019
- Added Map shadows
- Added packet refresh
- Added file requests and downloading from the server
- Added NPCs (some alignment issues are present, when they die the just vanish, will add fade-out animations later)
- Cursor can retrieve player/NPC information
- Map warping
- Complete character alignments (some bugs are there I'm sure)
- User Interface rendering
- News message displayed upon login
- Player chat works (although global/party/guild/sys chats have not been added)
- You can now talk to other players
Obligatory screenshot:

A quick TODO list sorted somewhat by priority:
- Cleanup bad code
- Make map rendering multithreaded - maybe.
- Add inventories
- Add paperdoll
- Add Map items & item drops from NPCs
- Add Sound effects
- Add Music
- Add Player HP/TP/Mana
- Add Player damage
- Add Chat bubbles (might be higher priority)
- Add other chat windows (whispers, global, party, guild etc)
- Add friends/ignore list
- Add Stats
- Add WhoisOnline
- Add Shops
- Add Vaults
- Fix bugs (boo so boring, this is actually a higher priority but bleh)
Lastly I just want to say thanks everyone for the support! I hope the code is somewhat useful to you all, it should hopefully get your projects off the ground.
Till the next update!
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